Malawian woman claims she met with Christ, saw heaven and hell
A woman in Malawi’s capital Lilongwe has claimed to have visited paradise and hell as the Angels and Jesus Christ took her to the places.
The woman, Doreen Raphael, who is a member for Jesus Christ for all Nations Church in Lilongwe at Area 24 disclosed to have witnessed many going to hell during her visit while a few going to paradise.
The pastor for the church McDonald Banda said he believes what the woman told the congregants arguing he had a prophecy on the trip.
Banda disclosed that he prophesied to have seen a member of the church being taken away and visiting paradise and hell.
People who have faith in the existence of God believe in life after death which they say is determined by the works of mankind while on earth.
Christians believe that sinners will go to hell as punishment for their wrongdoings before God while those living a righteous life are to enjoy in Paradise.